Zack’s Kid Visits Kiss 100 And Urges Them To Bring His Father Back Home

July 31, 2012
Kiss 100 yesterday received a special visitor. Danny, a son of the famous Zack, passed by their studios in the morning and urged them to help bring his father back home. 
Zack is on his way to South Africa on a wheelchair, to help raise funds to build a spinal injury centre in Kenya. His mission has received the backing of many corporates, but still not enough has been raised. Figures on the official ‘Bring Zack Back Home’ website show that at least Sh 180 million more need to be raised. So far, only Sh 69 million has been raised.
Meanwhile, Zack has covered almost 90 kilometres and has already reached Namanga headed south. If you still have done nothing to help the situation, dial *555# and choose the donation you would like to make. Alternatively, if you would like to give a bigger donation, Send money to M-PESA Pay Bill number 522500, account number ZACK.
While posting the pictures of their visitor on Facebook, Caroline Mutoko wrote, 

Danny, Zack’s little boy, dropped into the studio this morning to ask us to help bring his Dad back. I can truly say my head is only just coming round from the spin that 10year boy gave me. Enough talking – let’s act. We have very few days left to help get this amazing man called Zack back with his son. The School holidays are upon us. Danny has only one parent – Zack. go to your Mpesa Menu- Paybill- 522500- account ZACK- send the amount you wish and send. Let’s bring Zack back to his son. Do it now. And please share this.


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